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Reverse discrimination can occur in any workplace.

Reverse discrimination can occur in any workplace. Complete an Internet search for recent (within the last three years) reverse discrimination cases. Review the case and assess the reverse discrimination instances. Summarize the case and provide your thoughts to the following questions:
What evidence was discovered against the workplace?
What would you have decided?
What could this workplace do in the future to avoid being accused of reverse discrimination?


The need to achieve equality in almost all aspects of life had let to a decrease in discrimination. From equality in terms of gender to race, religion and other areas perceived to be of minority groups, laws have been enacted to ensure there is no discrimination. On the contrary, however, such laws have at times tilted the wheels of justice leading to negative discrimination. Such kinds of discrimination include the practice of preferring people that belong to groups initially perceived to have been disadvantaged.

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Recent Instances of Reverse Discrimination

The first case of reverse discrimination is by a former YouTube worker who sued Google for insisting that employers only recruit black, female and Hispanic applicants. The former employee claimed she was fired late 2017 for going against the said employment policy. The evidence relied on for this case were email conversations and other documents. At one time she claims, a whole software engineering interview was canceled for having non-diverse applicants (Robertson, 2018). What I would have decided is to do an audit on the diversity of the employees against the employment trend in the recent past. If it goes beyond the international labor laws, action can be taken. However, if the employment process is as per the labor laws, the case is declared null and void.  The second case of reverse discrimination is that of two NBC workers who asserts that they were wrongly dismissed for being whites. The dismissal happened when, in the company of a black man and members of a late-night show, an offensive text message was sent from a stagehand. When complaints arose the management only fired the two white but maintained the black one. In their lawsuit, the plaintiffs argued that retaining the black man only implies that their sacking was racially motivated. In the case, there is no evidence given as to whether the allegations were right or wrong (Beal, 2018). If in a similar

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