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Rubric for Narrative Essay

Rubric for Narrative Essay

Rubric CategoriesExcellent (25 each)Good (22 points each)Average (19 points each)Needs Improvement (17 points each)Not present or lacks clarity (0-13 points each)
Word Count/ Paragraphs475-500 words. Three-Four paragraphs are used: Introduction, 1-2 body paragraphs and conclusion.400-474 words. Three-four paragraphs are used: Introduction, 1-2 body paragraphs and conclusion.350-399. Less than three or more than four paragraphs are used: Introduction, 2 body paragraphs and conclusion.300-349. An attempt was made to have a full paragraph, but it may only have one body paragraph or be missing the introduction or conclusion.Over 500 word or under 300 words. The paragraphs lack organization
Content / SourcesThe writer has clearly researched the topic of the essay and has included at least three (3) quotations from the stories and one outside source using proper APA formatting.The writer has provided some research on the topic of the essay and has included at least three (3) sources from the stories but no outside source. An attempt to use APA was made.The writer has provided some research on the topic of the essay and has included at least two quotes from the stories An attempt to use APA formatting was made.The writer used at least two quotes from the stories, but they may not fully support the points. No attempt to use APA is present.The content is lacking in detail. If any source is provided, it is from an unreliable or invalid source. There is an attempt to use a quote from the story, but it is not cited properly.
Interest/TopicThe paper is interesting and uses language to keep the reader’s attention. The topic is skillfully discussed.The paper is somewhat interesting and keeps the reader’s attention for the majority of the paper. The topic is present in the paper.The paper is average in terms of interest. The language is simplistic. It is difficult to tell if the reader has addressed the topic.There is a lack of effort in terms of interest. The paper may repeat information and/or be quite simplistic in nature. The topic is either incorrect in part or completely ignored.The paper is not interesting and may or may not be off topic.
Structure/GrammarThere are no errors in the structure or grammar in the essay. The language use is sophisticated, and there is a variety of sentence structure. APA formatting is used skillfully.There may be one or two minor errors in the essay. APA is used correctly.There are various issues with grammar/structure, and the majority are simple sentences. An attempt is made to use APA formatting.

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