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Setting Evaluation for Anti-bias and Multiculturalism

Setting Evaluation for Anti-bias and Multiculturalism

Evaluate an early childhood education environment (childcare, preschool, family childcare, personal home) for multiculturalism and anti-bias. 

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General EnvironmentEIComments/Observation
Is the learning environment hospitable?
Are there touches of softness for example, rugs and pillows in book area?
Are all of the work areas clearly defined so children can clearly make choices?
What is hanging on the walls? Does art work all look alike or, is the artwork done by the child.
What type of pictures are hanging from the walls? Are there real pictures of families and children? Does it represent diverse communities?
Books that represent all types of family structures
Story books in different languages
Books without stereotypes or bias toward cultures, gender, or race
Puppets, props, games in different languages
Different mediums to use to communicate
Cooking activities encourage children to experiment with foods that they are not familiar with
Cooking activities allow children to explore and connect between cultural heritage and the preparation in cooking and eating
Variety of kitchen props to cook by different methods
Area is labeled in many different languages and pictures
Dramatic Play
Range of clothing representing different genders, cultures, careers, etc.
Non stereotypical pictures on the walls and props in the dramatic play area
Dolls available vary in skin tones with a broad variety of racial groups
Anatomically correct dolls provided
Variety of written materials in different languages (menus, fruit, vegetables)
Block area provides a variety of cultural groups and families configurations and international shapes
Block toys are not stereotypical with regards to gender roles
Range of different textures and sizes
Area is labeled in many different languages and with pictures
Music and Movement
A variety of musical instruments available
Age appropriate and culturally relevant music provided
Finger plays, songs and games come from a range of various cultural group in the classroom
Variety of materials to express movement through music provided
Children are encouraged to create music and props for use in the classroom
Area is labeled in many different languages and pictures
Social Studies
Children engage with materials and books that help them learn acceptance of differences with lifestyles unfamiliar to them
Books and props from many racial groups and family structures
Items gender neutral
Area is labeled in many different languages and pictures
International picture books available
Overall Programming
Are there policies in place to reflect the diverse communities and gender diversity in the U.S. society?
Is the curriculum intentional in preventing bias and honoring diverse families?
Children are offered a variety of ways of demonstrating learning through assessment
Parent involvement engages families from diverse ethnic and cultural groups in events, activities, and planning
Materials are evaluated for biases and multiculturalism
Other (to note other things from your evaluation)

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