SOCI 3151 Assignment #1 (15%) Winter 2022

SOCI 3151 Assignment #1 (15%) Winter 2022

Due: Tuesday February 10, 2022 at Beginning of Lecture

Using the CCHS 2012 data file, we will examine the relationship between the number of drinks consumed (alwddly) which will be our independent variable, and the number of cigarettes smoked (smk_204) our dependent variable.  For full marks please answer the following (be sure to use complete sentences to answer the questions where applicable):

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  1. Using the scattergram of the two variables shown below, please answer the following questions:
    1. Provide a relevant title for the graph, be sure to include variable names and the name and year of data used. (3 marks)
    1. What does the scattergram reveal about the nature (linearity, strength and direction) of the relationship between the two variables?  Please provide the relationship between the two variables using variable names. (6 marks)
  • The SPSS output below is a table of a regression involving the two variables. 
    • Please indicate (on the table) the slope and y-intercept. (4 marks)
    • Write out the least-squares regression line (include the appropriate outcomes and variable names). (2 marks)
    • Interpret the slope and include statistical significance. (5 marks)
    • Provide a sentence or two describing your results and interpretation. (4 marks)
Model Summary 
ModelRR SquareAdjusted R SquareStd. Error of the Estimate 
a. Predictors: (Constant), alwddly Past week, average daily alcohol consumption 
ModelUnstandardized CoefficientsStandardized CoefficientstSig.
BStd. ErrorBeta
1(Constant)14.001.108 129.290.000
alwddly Past week, average daily alcohol consumption.694.059.12211.755.000
a. Dependent Variable: smk_204 # of cigarettes smoked daily-daily smoker
  • Using the codebook for CCHS 2012 (posted on Blackboard) provide full and thorough descriptions of the two variables used in this assignment. 
    • alwddly (3 marks)
    • smk_204 (3 marks)

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