Social Studies Resource Binder
Students will collect ten (10) resources for each Mississippi College Career Readiness Strand to construct a Social Studies Resource Binder. Resources should be focused on the grade level you are teaching (7th -12th Grades).
If you are not currently teaching in grades 7th – 12th, select a grade level to focus on.
Due: March 10, 2022, by 11:59 PM Central Standard Time
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Write My Essay For MeGrade Level Teaching: Kindergarten
Below you will find the different content strands in social studies combine to give a clear picture of the past and present. Strands also give depth to the social studies curriculum, enabling students to grasp the complexity of events from the past and present and help them acquire critical thinking skills to make informed decisions in the future.
Collect ten (10) resources for each Mississippi College Career Readiness Strand to construct a Social Studies Resource Binder. 50 Resources total…..
The 2018 Mississippi College- and Career-Readiness Standards for the Social Studies is comprised of five (5) essential content strands: Civics, Civil Rights, Economics, Geography, and History.
Civil Rights
Civics Strand
The civics strand should provide students with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government. It should help them understand the workings of their own and other political systems as well as the relationship of American politics and government to world affairs. Civics instruction provides a basis for understanding the rights and responsibilities of citizens in American constitutional democracy and a framework for competent and responsible participation. The civics strand should be expanded by related learning experiences, in both school and community, that enable students to learn how to participate in their own governance.
Civil Rights Strand
Mississippi Code 37-13-193 requires the Mississippi Department of Education to work with the Mississippi Civil Rights Education Commission to incorporate civil rights education into the state’s K-12 educational programs. Civil rights education, as understood by the writers of this framework, is defined as the mastery of content, skills and values that are learned from a focused and meaningful exploration of civil rights issues (both past and present), locally, nationally and globally. This education should lead learners to understand and appreciate issues such as social justice, power relations, diversity, mutual respect, and civic engagement. Students should acquire a working knowledge of tactics engaged by civil rights activists to achieve social change. Among these are: demonstrations, resistance, organizing, and collective action/unity. The content was incorporated as a content strand throughout the entire K-12 framework at the recommendation of the Mississippi Civil Rights Commission.
Economics Strand
The economic strand should help students gain an understanding of economic concepts, while demonstrating an understanding of economic and financial literacy inn order to make informed financial decisions throughout their lives. The strand is integrated throughout the K-12 curriculum emphasizing economic reasoning. Throughout the K-12 curriculum, students will grasp an understanding of markets and the U.S. economy in a global setting.
Geography Strand
The geography strand equips students with the knowledge, skills, and perspectives of world geography. Students will learn how to use geographic thinking and information to make well reasoned decisions and to solve personal and community problems. The geography strand will enable students to use geographic perspectives, knowledge, and skills to engage in ethical action with regard to self, other people, other species, and Earth’s diverse cultures and natural environments.
History Strand
The history strand investigates events that change the way people live. History is a record of the past, of people who changed society. We learn history from 2 sources: primary and
secondary sources. The strand looks into how the past shape does the present, how have people and events changed society, and how have influences of other, more powerful countries, affected countries today.
Kindergarten | Citizenship at Home and School | |
First Grade | Citizenship at School | |
Second Grade | School and the Community | |
Third Grade | Local Government | |
Fourth Grade | Mississippi Studies and Regions | |
Fifth Grade | United States History from Pre-Columbian Era to | |
American Revolution | ||
Sixth Grade | Civics and the World | |
Seventh Grade | Early World History or Compacted | |
Eighth Grade | United States History from Exploration to 1877 | |
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Grade Level
or Course
Theme or
Kindergarten Section of Mississippi College Career Readiness for Social Studies Standards
CI.K.1 Examine how individuals play different roles and exercise good citizenship. | 1. 2. | Identify characteristics of a good citizen. Propose ways on how to be a good citizen at home and in the classroom. |
CI.K.2 Demonstrate knowledge of how to be a good citizen. | 1. 2. 3. | Define citizen, citizenship, rights, and responsibilities. Name rights and responsibilities of individuals. Distinguish the difference between rights and responsibilities. |
4. | Identify the role of rules. | |
5. | Explain the role of consequences when rules are not followed. | |
CI.K.3 Describe the role and responsibilities of authority figures. | 1. 2. 3. | Identify authority figures. Explain the role of an authority figure. Determine the responsibilities of authority figures. |
4. | Explain how all people can play important roles in a community. | |
E.K.1 Identify and explain the function of money. | 1. Recognize monetary units. 2. Distinguish between spending and saving. 3. Illustrate how money is used in daily life. |
E.K.2 Distinguish between goods and services. | 1. 2. | Define goods and services. Describe examples of the goods and services. |
3. | Explain how people obtain goods and services. | |
E.K.3 Differentiate between needs and wants of individuals. | 4. | Examine the cost of goods and services provided by the community. |
1. 2. | Define and identify needs and wants. Classify items as wants or needs. | |
CR.K.1 Explore the similarities and differences of individuals and families. | 1. 2. | Define similarities and differences. Examine the benefits of similarities and differences in individuals and families. |
CR.K.2 Describe and explain traditions and contributions of various cultures. | 1. 2. | Define culture. Recognize ways people celebrate their diverse cultural heritage (literature, language, games, songs, dances, holidays, etc.). |
3. | Analyze ways people celebrate their diverse cultural heritage. | |
CR.K.3 Explain the cultural diversity in the classroom. | 1. 2. | Identify unity and diversity. Identify different types of cultural diversity within the classroom. |
3. | Propose different ways to encourage unity and diversity at home and within the classroom. | |
G.K.1 Identify a sense of place relative to an individual. | 1. 2. | Create a map to identify locations of familiar places. Demonstrate terms related to location, direction, size, and distance (up, down, left, right, far, near, etc.). |
G.K.2 Describe physical features of the environment. | 1. 2. 3. | Differentiate between land forms and bodies of water. Identify how physical features impact communities. Describe different ways physical environments may change over time (erosion, hurricanes, etc.). |
G.K.3 Recognize maps, graphs, and other representations of the earth. | 1. 2. | Explain representations of the earth using technology, maps, and globes. Identify cardinal and intermediate directions (e.g., north, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest, east, and west). |
3. | Locate the local community, Mississippi and the United States using maps and globes. | |
H.K.1 Recognize symbols, customs, and celebrations representative of our community, Mississippi and the United States. | 1. 2. 3. | Define symbols and customs. Identify school, community, state and national symbols (e.g., school mascot, community logo, Mississippi state flag, United States flag, American eagle, etc.). State the pledge of allegiance and patriotic songs as expressions of patriotism. |
4. | Explain historically significant events that shaped America. | |
H.K.2 Describe the impact of significant historical figures and events. | 1. 2. | Identify historical figures that are used as symbols of American culture (currency, monuments, and place names, etc.). Examine historical events that are significant to American culture (4th of July, Thanksgiving, Presidents Day, etc.). |
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