Online Degrees Essay Writing Services


Assessment Brief

Academic Year 2021

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For this Final Assignment (Essay Report: worth 60%) the student must carry out the following work:

Topic: Final Assessment: Essay Report –

Sports Broadcasting is at the intersection of many interests. Provide an overall schematic analysis of all the interests that intervene and try and determine the main points of gravity in the flows, in

terms of communications, finance and rights. Your model can be generic with examples or applied

to a particular sport.

In order to create a well-structured essay report, please consider the following:

• Your report and analyses must be structured using the appropriate theories, concepts, and


• Make sure that your statements address the issues covered.

In order to develop the essay, you need to consider following points:

o Apply theories learned during class,

o Use techniques and tools learned,

o Use mainly academic sources (min. 3-4) in order to contrast and compare the


o In case you decide to use non-academic sources (newspapers, articles, weblinks)

they are not part of the required 3-4 academic sources. Non-academic sources are

allowed for the descriptive part of your work and need to be included in your


o Critically analyze the information acknowledged from the course materials and from

your own research,

o Structure your answers using the appropriate theories, concepts, and models,

o Sections and ideas should be coherently linked together,

o Make sure that your statements address the questions,

Grading Criteria:

97-100 A+ 87-89 B+ 77-79 C+ 67-69 D+ 93-96 A 83-86 B 73-76 C 63-66 D 90-92 A- 80-82 B- 70-72 C- 60-62 D- 0-59 F

Word count: 1800 words (+ or – 20%)

Undergraduate Program

Assessment Brief

Academic Year 2021

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Time-frame for this assignment: The Final Assignment (Essay Report) must be uploaded to the

appropriate Turnitin folder on Moodle before May 10th 2021 at 14.00h CET.

Structure of your Final Assignment:

1. Cover page: The first page must contain the full name of the student, the logo of the school as

well as the name of the course and the name of the professor.

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction: Background, Scope, Method of Investigation, Objectives.

4. Essay Questions: Answer the questions using theories and models studied in class, as well as

information acquired from the course and your own academic resources. You can use facts,

figures, and graphs.

5. Conclusion and Recommendations: Explain potential actions and recommendations to be

implemented and critically discuss positive and negative effects.

6. Bibliography: You should use the Harvard Referencing System.

7. Appendix

Please see EUBS’s recommendations for citations, i.e. similarity or plagiarism, located in the Master’s

and MBA Student Guidelines.


• Students must consider the use of theories and models, the flow and progression of their

critical writing and presentation, overall clarity, structure, and coherence of their answers.

• Students will be graded on their capacity to prioritize, synthetize, discuss and evaluate the

topic based on different perspectives.

• All statements made must be supported by facts, figures and references.

• All sources of information must be referenced using the Harvard Referencing System


The Final Assignment (Essay Report) must be uploaded to the appropriate Turnitin folder created

by the course tutor on Moodle.

The title of the student’s submitted file should contain the following information:

– Name of this course

– Name of the Faculty Member / Teacher

– Student’s full Name

– Student ID number

– Title of this assignment (Mid-Term / Final)

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