Text 1A: Climate change: Cleaner energy in Britain

Preparation material


· Discussion of the topic

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· Text 1A: Climate change: Cleaner energy in Britain

· Text 1B: Indigenous knowledge: Aboriginal fire practices can help reduce the risk of mega-fires in Australia

· Text 1C: Civil rights: Northern Ireland abortion ban removed and equal marriage made law

· Text 1D: Equality: Hello Sunshine puts women in the center of the story

· Text 1E: Citizen safety: NZ takes immediate action to reduce access to semi-automatic weapons

· Text 1F: Helping others: 8500 hotel rooms made available for the homeless

· Text 1G: Renewable resources: Traditional woven baskets replace plastic bags in Samoa

· Text 1H: Food and health: Study shows benefit of free school dinners

· Text 2: My job is important!

· Text 3: How the world has changed in the last 20 years

· Text 4: Youth activism is increasing around the globe, and adults should pay attention, says author

· Text 5: Can a video game save a life? Video game developer puts players in a race for survival

· Text 6: “A Way of Talking”. A short story by Patricia Grace

Discussion of the topic

The preparation material for Engelsk Fellesfag Høst 2020 begins with a presentation of the topic “Positive change in English-speaking countries”. It explains that change occurs either naturally or because people wish to influence those around them. Although every occupation changes others’ lives in a positive way – like the medical personnel, for example – positive change can also happen on an individual level.

The presentation also encourages you to find other sources on the topic of positive change in English-speaking countries, aside from the texts provided in the preparation material. You should also consider how the texts in the preparation material relate to the ones you have studied during your English course

Text 1A: Climate change: Cleaner energy in Britain

Text 1 A is an extract from the article “Zero-carbon electricity outstrips fossil fuels in Britain across 2019” by Julia Kollewe and published in 2020 on the website of The Guardian. The extract shows how 2019 has been the year when Britain used more energy from zero-carbon sources than from fossil fuels. This is due to Britain’s focus on renewable and low-carbon types of energy. 

The text also includes a link to a video on renewable energy, provided by CNBC International. 

Text 1B: Indigenous knowledge: Aboriginal fire practices can help reduce the risk of mega-fires in Australia

Text 1 B is an extract from the article “How Australia’s Indigenous people can help the country fight fire”, written by Ali MC and published on the website of Al Jazeera in 2020. The extract shows how a traditional Aboriginal practice known as cultural burning promotes the growth of new plants while also getting rid of flammable materials, which would otherwise lead to serious fires. 

Text 1 B also contains an adaptation from the article “ ‘It’s miraculous’: Owners say cultural burning saved their property”, which was written by Ella Archibald-Binge and Rhett Wyman and published on the website of The Sydney Morning Herald in 2020. The extract shows how several properties in Australia were saved from bushfires by cultural burning. 

The text also includes a link to a video on fire management, provided by ABC News.

Text 1C: Civil rights: Northern Ireland abortion ban removed and equal marriage made law

Text 1C is an extract from the article “Northern Ireland: ‘historic day’ as abortion ban lifted and equal marriage made law” published in 2020 on the website of Amnesty. According to the text, Northern Ireland has legalized same-sex marriages at the beginning of 2020, and the abortion ban has been lifted beginning with spring 2020. The extract also refers to some of the negative consequences of the ban. 

The text includes a link to a video on the topic of abortion and same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, provided by Channel 4 News. 

Text 1D: Equality: Hello Sunshine puts women in the center of the story

Text 1D is an adaptation from the article “At Reese Witherspoon’s Hello Sunshine, women play the leads—onscreen and off”, written by Julia Boorstin and published in 2018 on the website of CNBC. The extract shows the importance of Hello Sunshine, a company created and led by women, which supports and empowers women in the media. 

The text also includes a link to a video on actress Reese Witherspoon’s reasons for creating the company Hello Sunshine. 

Text 1E: Citizen safety: NZ takes immediate action to reduce access to semi-automatic weapons

Text 1E is an adaptation from the article “New Zealanders turn in more than 50,000 guns in assault weapon buyback”, written by Sophie Lewis and published in 2019 on the website of CBS News. The text shows New Zealand’s decision to ban semi-automatic weapons after a mass shooting in two mosques. The text also presents the authorities’ successful mission to collect the banned guns through a buyback program.

The text includes a link to a video provided by Today on New Zealand’s decision to ban all military-style guns after the 2019 mass shooting.  

Text 1F: Helping others: 8500 hotel rooms made available for the homeless

Text 1F is an adaptation from the article “Coronavirus: SF has 8,500 potential hotel rooms for the homeless, front-line workers”, written by Marisa Kendall and published in 2020 on the website of The Mercury News. The text also includes a photograph of a message encouraging homeless people to seek help. Text 1F shows how, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the homeless people of San Francisco were offered accommodation from over 30 hotels.

The text also includes a link to a video provided by KQED QUEST, which presents the creation of mobile showers for the homeless. 

Text 1G: Renewable resources: Traditional woven baskets replace plastic bags in Samoa

Text 1G is an adaptation from the article “Traditional woven baskets replace plastic bags in Samoa” written by Tahlea Aualiitia and published on the website of ABC. The text talks about Samoa’s decision to ban plastic bags and about the Samoa Women’s Association of Growers’ decision to turn to traditional woven baskets. The text mentions how all members of society are encouraged to use these traditional baskets.

The text also includes a link to a video on how plastic bags impact the environment, provided by Our Changing Climate

Text 1H: Food and health: Study shows benefit of free school dinners

Text 1H is an adaptation from the article “Free school dinners ‘led to fall in childhood obesity rates’ ” written by Jamie Doward and published on the website of The Guardian. The text shows that school meals might prevent obesity, which starts from early childhood. 

The text also includes a link to a video on the reasons why people gain weight, provided by The Guardian

Text 2: My job is important!

Text 2 is a selection of brief texts showing five people describing their jobs and the reason why each job is important. Each text is accompanied by a photograph showing the person doing his or her job. The five texts contain job descriptions by a plumber, a childcare worker, a truck driver, an electrician, a florist, and an agricultural machinery mechanic. 

Text 3: How the world has changed in the last 20 years

Text 3 features quotes from people who comment on how the world has changed in the past 20 years. The quotes mention both positive and negative changes. Among the positive changes, people mention the importance of the smoking ban in restaurants, working from home or online learning, monitoring devices, or streaming platforms. Some of the negative changes that people mention are the lack of privacy and people’s inability to spell and write properly because of the use of internet language.  

Text 4: Youth activism is increasing around the globe, and adults should pay attention, says author

Text 4 is an adaptation from the article “Youth activism is on the rise around the globe, and adults should pay attention, says author”, written by Jennifer McNulty and published on the website of UC Santa Cruz in 2019. The text shows an account provided by Jessica Taft, a researcher on youth activism. Taft talks about young people who follow the example of activists Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai. According to Taft, young people need to be included in movements related to social change and offers the example of an organization in Peru, which is led by children. 

The text also focuses on the advantages of child-led organizations, such as recognizing young people’s involvement in a variety of issues, for instance, childcare and environmental issues. Although children in the US are not as involved in activism as the children in the rest of the world, they still organize themselves around causes that matter to them.

Text 5: Can a video game save a life? Video game developer puts players in a race for survival

Text 5 is an adaptation from the article “25-year-old refugee created video game out of his ‘journey of life and death’ ” published in 2020 on the website of The New York Post. The text presents Lual Mayen, a video game developer who has created a game where players take the role of a refugee in a race for survival. The video game is based on Mayen’s life and his experiences as a refugee from South Sudan after the second civil war. According to Mayen, the video game teaches people the real struggle of refugees. While the game is free to play, several in-game acquisitions – like buying food – help real people in refugee camps.  

Text 6: “A Way of Talking”. A short story by Patricia Grace

Text 6 is a short story by Patricia Grace. The story follows the point of view of Hera, a young Maori woman who is about to be married. Her younger sister Rose has just returned home from university in Auckland to attend her sister’s wedding. Hera and Rose go to the dressmaker’s to get measured for dresses. At one point, the dressmaker makes a racist comment about the Maori people, and Rose challenges her views. Rose has always spoken her mind, whereas Hera has always kept quiet.

Hera is embarrassed by Rose’s behavior, but, after they leave the dressmaker’s, she realizes that Rose is also hurt by the racist comment and begins to understand her behavior. The two sisters return home, and Hera promises to herself to learn to stand up for her culture and show Rose that she is not alone. 

Task 1 

Short answer  Answer either 1A or 1B 

Task 1A 

Text 3 in the preparation material is about changes in the world over the last 20 years. Write a short text commenting on one or two of these changes and how they have influenced people’s lives. 

Task 1B 

Alex is trying to find an apprenticeship, so he has written the following email to send to all the local firms in his area. He has asked you to read it, suggest any changes he should make and explain why. 

Write a short text to Alex with advice about how to improve his text so that potential employers will want to contact him. Include advice about language and content. Use examples from his email. 

Yo!  My name is Alex and I really need an apprenticeship!!! Can you help??  I am almost done with my two years at school and I have done OK. I haven’t got great grades in everything because some of my subjects sucked! But I will do heaps better if you’re a good boss!  I learn pretty quick. Just show me once and I am all good to go! No need to waste time training me!  I am also a totally awesome DJ which means that I sometimes have jobs at clubs until really late at night so I will need to come in late the next day. But I could also DJ at our work parties!  Send me a text (525 6789) if you want to know more about me or whatever. Cheers!  Alex 

Task 2 

Long answer 

The following tasks are based on your preparation topic: “Positive change in English-speaking countries”

Answer either 2A, 2B, 2C or 2D. 


In the short story “A Way of Talking” (Text 6) you have read about two sisters trying to make a positive change. 

Create a text discussing a character who tries to make a positive change. The character you discuss may be from “A Way of Talking” or from another short story or novel, film or series you have worked with. In your text: 

· Introduce the character you are going to discuss

· Explore the situation that requires a change

· Present and discuss how the character tries to make a positive change

· Discuss how the text may affect the reader’s desire to make a positive change

Give your text a suitable title. 


Create a text about the profession you are aiming for and how you as a worker can make a positive change for people and society through this profession. In your text: 

· Introduce the profession you are aiming for

· Present the most important tasks in this profession

· Explain why this profession is important for society

· Discuss how you can make a positive change through your profession

Text 2 may be useful for this task. Give your text a suitable title. 


In the preparation material you have read about several positive changes taking place in English-speaking countries. Discuss a positive change relating to a social and/or cultural issue in an English-speaking country. In your text: 

· Introduce the positive change that you have chosen

· Discuss why this change is important and what more needs to be done

· Discuss the challenges that may arise when trying to make a positive change

· Refer to one or more of the texts in the preparation material

Texts 1a-h, 3, 4, and 5 may be useful for this task. Give your text a suitable title. 


Create a literary text about making a positive change. Your text must: 

Be set in an English-speaking country in the year 2020 

· Explore a situation or issue that requires change

· Include a character who makes a positive change

· Explore the challenges the character faces in making this change

· Examples of literary texts can be a story, poem, song text, play or sketch.

Give your text the title “A Positive Change”.

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