There are several types of employment relationships that affect the hiring and firing of employees. Some states have laws about employment relationships and others do not. Compare two of the follow employment relationships: principal-agency relationships, independent contractor, at-will employment, and non-compete contractual agreements. Discuss two commonalities and two differences to the types of agreement. Does one type of relationship benefit the employer more? Does the type of relationship have a positive or negative effect for wanting to work for a company that follows this relationship?
An at-will employment relationship refers to an agreement in which an employer can terminate an employment contract at any time without an explanation, reason, or warning. It also allows the employee to quit the job without giving a reason (Atkinson et al., 2016). On the other hand, a contractual non-compete agreement is a contract that prohibits an employe…
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Write My Essay For MeAt-will employment and non-compete agreements have two commonalities. Firth, both agreements give the employer an immense amount of power over the employee’s fate. Secondly, these employment relationships help in promoting instances of bias since every decision made is dependent on the needs and suitability …
However, there are a few differences between these employment relationships (Atkinson et al., 2016). The first is that at-will employment gives the employee an advantage in that they can leave when they want to without having to explain. It also allows the employee to be involved in whatever industry one sees fit. On the other hand, a contractual agreement prevents the employee from pursuing any interests one may have in that particular industry. The second difference is that the at-will agreement is lenient and not as binding as a non-compete agreement. A contractual non-compete agreement is an employment relationship designed to benefit the employer. The deal is intended to protect the employer’s business processes and products. It also ensures that the remaining employees are protected since the termination does not interfere with their best interests (Atkinson et al., 2016). However, the use of a non-compete in an organization tends to have a negative effect since the employee’s benefits are not considered as significant. Companies that subscribe to an at-will agreement are subject to both a positive and negative impact. This is because both the employer’s and…
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