Topic #2: Chemical Dependency: The Crisis of Addiction

Topic #2: Chemical Dependency: The Crisis of Addiction

The research paper must have a minimum of 2000 words – main body (does not include the title page, abstract, or reference pages). Times New Roman, Size 12, and 5 references about that topic (4 of them most be research articles). The criteria exposed in your paperwork must be exclusively based on peer reviewed article, and I will be very fussy in confirming the reliability of your statements. A formal paper using APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.).2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 will be submitted via Exercise Submission. This paperwork must be submitted on week # 6 (Sunday, 4/11 at 11:59 PM EST),
Question Guide: 
The paper should include the following:  What is Chemical dependency? Statistics / Most common abused substance Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse Models of addiction Dynamics of addiction Interventions / Treatments approaches (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) Other considerations in the management of Chemical dependency (including but not limited to management of behaviors, family considerations, challenges in the care of patients with addiction.   Examine evidence-based practice guidelines / research, nursing theories that support the identification of clinical problems, implementation of nursing skills in the care of adults with addiction.
Grading Criteria: What is Chemical dependency? – 2% Statistics / Most common abused substance – 2% Sociocultural determinants of substance abuse – 2% Models of addiction – 2% Dynamics of addiction – 2% Interventions / Treatment approaches (pharmacological and non-pharmacological) – 2% Other considerations in the management of Chemical dependency (including but not limited to management of behaviors, family considerations, challenges in the care of patients with chemical dependency – 2% References: At least 5 reference sources – 4 of them most be research articles – 3% APA style – 3 % MAXIMUN POINTS – 20%
It accounts for 20% of your final grade   

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