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Transitions to the Modern Era ESSAY

Transitions to the Modern Era

I’ve posted 4 videos under this topic. For this assignment, I’d like you to write a bit about each of them.  As follows: 

  1. The Renaissance (Goodbye Art Academy) – make a list of 7 points that you found interesting in this.  Then add a comment or two on each item that you’ve selected.  
  2. The Protestant Reformation (Crash Course) – make a list of 7 points that you found interesting in this.  Then add a comment or two on each item that you’ve selected.
  3. Copernicus and the Scientific Revolution – make a list of 7 points that you found interesting in this.  Then add a comment or two on each item that you’ve selected.
  4. Our last video, Transitions to Modernity, is one of our class videos.  It attempts to summarize the points of the Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution and how they lead to the Modern.  Please make a list of 9 points that you found interesting, and then add a comment or two on each of your points.  
  5. That’s 30 comments in toto.

Times New Roman 12 point font – use whole sentences. Submit as a word.doc.

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Based on the readings and the class video provided for Descartes:

  1.   a) What was his aim?  b) how did he go about trying to achieve it?  c) What is the end result of this endeavor? (What did he come to?)
  2.  a) After this beginning, what was his metaphysical position (Commonsense Dualism)? b) What kinds of things exist and what does he say about each of them? c) What is the problem with this theory that Descartes can’t quite get rid of?
  3.  What were the three alternatives to Commonsense Dualism discussed in the video.   Who was associated with each? Say a little bit about each of these (how they solved the problem of the relationship between mind and body, and how successful they are at doing this, etc.). 
  4. What is the difference between the two competing schools of thought we’ve called the Continental Rationalists and the British Empiricists? What philosophers were included in each of these groups, and what were the basic set of beliefs on each side?

Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, double spaced, 1″ margins — Your should have at least 1/2 page for each of these prompts and  at least 2 full pages minimum for the whole assignment.  

Kant Assignment

  • Posted a reading and 2 videos on Kant. The reading is a bit piecemeal but it should help you understand the material in the videos.
  • First video is a St. Johns Timeline video (Immanuel  Kant by Christopher Insole) and is a bit on the academic side but I think it has good content.  Do the best you can with it.  Make a list of 8 points that you found interesting and add a comment or two for each point to further elaborate. 
  • Second video is one of our class videos (Kant – Metaphysics & Epistemology).  Make a list of 10 points you find interesting and add a comment or two for each point to further elaborate. 
  • Note: that’s 18 points in toto.


  • Read pp 359-367 in our textbook. Read the whole, although our primary focus will be on the distinctions between the Apollonian and the Dionysian & Master morality and Slave morality.
  •  Nietzsche’s Critique Of Christianity Stephen N Williams (St. John’s Timeline) – make a list of 10 points of interest – along with a comment or two to illustrate each of your points.
  • Nietzsche: Dionysus-Apollo/Master-Slave (class video) – make a list of 10 points of interest – along with a comment or two to illustrate each of your
  • That’s 20 points in all.

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