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UEM1 Task 1: Diagnose Mental Conditions in Children and Adolescents Across Care Settings

UEM1 Task 1: Diagnose Mental Conditions in Children and Adolescents Across Care Settings

7091.5.1 : Diagnose Mental Conditions in Children and Adolescents Across Care Settings

The learner diagnoses acute and chronic mental conditions in children and adolescent patients across care settings using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR).

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In this task, you will act as a psychiatric nurse practitioner to develop a biopsychosocial formulation table based on the clinical presentation of a patient in a case study. You will then use this information to formulate a diagnosis and three differential diagnoses based on the latest DSM-5-TR criteria. You will also reflect on how you, as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, would gather additional information about the patient in a clinical setting in order to better inform your diagnosis.

In order to respond to this task, you will first identify and review the case study within the attached “D347 Patient Case Studies” that corresponds to the first initial of your last name, as follows:

Last Name
Case Study
A-C Case Study 1
D-G Case Study 2
H-L Case Study 3
M-R Case Study 4
S-Z Case Study 5
Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt).

Identify and analyze the case study from the attached “D347 Patient Case Studies” that corresponds with the first initial of your last name, according to the table in the “Introduction” section, and then do the following:

A. Create a biopsychosocial formulation table for the patient in the case study that includes two biological, two psychological, and two social factors for each of the following:

  • predisposing factors
  • precipitating factors
  • perpetuating factors
  • protective factors

B. Using the biopsychosocial formulation table you created and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR), analyze the patient in the case study by doing the following:

  1. Diagnose the mental health condition.

a. Provide your rationale that includes evidence from the case study and two scholarly sources to support the diagnosis.

  1. Develop three differential diagnoses.

a. Provide your rationale for each differential diagnosis that includes evidence from the case study and one scholarly source for each.

C. Discuss how you would gather additional information from the patient to better inform a diagnosis, including the following:

  • one lab or diagnostic and your rationale supported by one scholarly source
  • one clinical assessment and your rationale supported by one scholarly source
  • five interview questions you would ask the patient and your rationale for each question

D. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

E. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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