Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Under the ADA, reasonable accommodations must be provided to allow a qualified employee to perform the essential functions of a job.

Under the ADA, reasonable accommodations must be provided to allow a qualified employee to perform the essential functions of a job. These accommodations range in everything from reserved parking to a specific software program to allowing service animals in the workplace. Consider a situation in which a person with a physical disability is hired in a car manufacturing company. As his manager, how would you determine a reasonable and appropriate accommodation for your new hire? Consider if the new hire requested an inappropriate accommodation, how would you respond? What are two resources you could use to support your effort? Discuss your responses and provides links to the resources.


The purpose of the American Disability Act is to ensure that people with physical challenges are given rights and opportunities equal to any other person. The Act is, therefore, important as it helps reduce cases of discrimination in cases of employment, transportation and public accommodation among other key service provisions. This task evaluates the application of ADA in a typical situation of a disabled employee who has been hired in a car manufacturing company.

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How to Ensure a Reasonable and Appropriate Accommodation There are many ways to ensure the new employee receives proper accommodation. As his manager, I will ensure that I make all the facilities that he needs accessible. I will, therefore, give him a big space and remove all other obstacles, especially in his route of operation. I will also modify the work schedule for him so that he doesn’t have to work for long hours like is the case for other people (Schneider, 2017). To achieve this, I can opt to request him to work part-time especially in situations that need his physical ability. As a way of being more accommodative, I will also train other employees so that they understand the situation the new employee is in and how they can help him bring out his potential without any form of discrimination…

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