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Understand the diagnostic issues associated with interpersonal relations and group dynamics interventions

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Homework part 1- 1-1.5 page answer

Below each Learning Objective you are to write your explanation, in your words. Your answers may not be quotes from the text or any other source. If so, you must cite them.

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CH.10 Interpersonal and Group Process Approaches

1. Understand the diagnostic issues associated with interpersonal relations and group dynamics interventions.

2. Illustrate the principles of the process consultation intervention.

3. Describe the process of third-party conflict resolution.

4. Discuss and evaluate the core organization development (OD) intervention of team building.

CH.11 Organization Process Approaches

1. Understand the diagnostic issues associated with organization-wide process interventions.

2. Demonstrate the organization confrontation meeting.

3. Compare the intergroup relations interventions of microcosm groups and intergroup conflict.

4. Describe and evaluate the effectiveness of large-group interventions

CH.12 Restructuring Organizations

1. Describe the most common organization structures used today and understand their strengths and weaknesses.

2. Present the process of downsizing.

3. Describe and evaluate the reengineering intervention

Homework part 2 (0.5-1-page answer)

Discuss the Value of Types of Human Process Interventions.

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