Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Union Grievances and Public-Sector Unions

1. Given the complexity of modern arbitration proceedings, do you think that professional legal representation for both unions and employers should be required? Why or why not?

2. Do you agree with the current prohibition of strikes for all public-sector employees? Should the government relax these rules and allow for worker strikes in certain non-essential occupations? Explain your answer.


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Whether Professional Legal Representation Should Be Required

The current arbitration proceedings have become complex making legal representation for both parties necessary as well as beneficial for the parties that are involved. Having legal representation is a proper way of making sure that procedures that are likely to be costly are properly streamlined. It also saves on time and at the same time allow the parties involved to maintain the desire to end the impasse by expressing individual sides of the story. Arbitration can be an expensive venture and a legal counsel may not help as much. However, despite the cost, the benefits that come with the arbitration process may by far outweigh the disadvantages. The legal representation can not only protect the two sides but also give advice that may not necessarily lean on one side but ensure that both parties have a say in the negotiation (Andretta, Bosi, & Porta, 2016).

Whether The Government Should Allow Strikes

I don’t agree with the government prohibiting strikes in the public sector. By so doing, the government will be denying the employees their opportunity to pass across grievances as enshrined in the labor laws. In any case, the outcomes of the strikes may far outweigh the costs/ negative impacts that they may cause. Strikes help solve some concerns such as better working conditions, improved salaries, deserving promotions and many other considerations. At the end of the day, it is from such concerns that help boost employee morale and consequently enhance productivity in the given organization. Resolved grievances eventually reduces the cost of running the organization since most of the employees will be self-driven. Prohibition on such strikes may also not be a necessity for the betterment of the organization.

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