Values Hierarchy and the Significance on My Leadership Style Reflection


My Top Three Instrumental Values, How They Fit Within the Values Hierarchy and

Their Significance on the Approach to Leadership

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It is worth noting that both the terminal values, and instrumental values are ranked into

 Potentially missing comma: 2021  2021,

Values Hierarchy and the Significance on My Leadership Style Reflection


MGT: 410

January 29, 2021

an order of importance to people or leaders as guiding principles in their life. In this regard,

from the results from the “Rokeach Values Survey” that I completed in Topic 2, the top three

instrumental values that fit within the values hierarchy include; Honest that includes sincerity

and truthfulness, loving that include being affectionate, and tender, as well as self-controlled

that includes aspects of being restrained, and being self-disciplined.

Being honesty or truthful enables me to have positive and virtuous attributes that include

straightforwardness of my conduct, that is devoid of lying. Going by the value of love, I would

not only intend to do to others as I would have them do to me, but also have the followers feel

good around me (Andrews et al., 2020). This is a feeling of liking and caring for my followers

with tender attachment. Self-control as my third instrumental value has an aspect of

inhibitory control on me making me to regulate my emotions, thoughts, and behavior in the face

of temptations and impulses. In relation to how my top three instrumental values fit within the

values hierarchy, I would assert that these three instrumental values are the modes of behavior

that I use in achieving my terminal values (Vilar, 2020). I use them often in my day to day life.

Imperatively, these values show me the ways to follow so that I achieve the goals of my life.

The top three instrumental values are significant on the approach to my leadership style.

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play the role of making me reach my goals in life. Incorporating them into my leadership style

therefore I will be affectionate and warm, tender, and loving to my followers in such a way that

my actions show them love, liking, or compassion. This will make them feel worthwhile and



My Top Three Terminal Values, How They Fit Within the Values Hierarchy and Their

Significance on the Approach to Leadership

My top three terminal values include; happiness or contentedness, family security that

involves taking care of loved ones and self-respect and self-esteem. When it comes to

happiness, it can be seen as the experience of frequent positive thoughts that includes joy,

interest or pride. It is also attached to contentment which is an aspect of longer lasting, and a

deeper feeling of satisfaction and gratitude (Partyko et al., 2021). Family security that involves

taking care of loved ones is emergent from me having a high level of empathy where my

followers feel at peace and are free of conflicts. With high self-respect and self-esteem, my

followers would have a lower opinion in relation to values like conformity, pleasure, and

comfortable life as they work towards the best.

Being the desirable end-states of my leadership, these terminal values will be the goals

that I would like to achieve during my lifetime. As such, I would like to have happy and

contented followers whose level of security is high since they feel loved by me. I would also

have them having a feeling of self-respect and have a high sense of self-esteem since they feel

loved and highly valued in my leadership matrix. The significance of the top three terminal

values on the approach to leadership cannot be underestimated. As Vitale (2018) notes, these

terminal values enable my followers and me to gauge organizational performance far into the

 Spelling mistake: Rokeach  Reach

 Possible typo: values

 Possible typo: values

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

 worthwhile is weak: worthwhile  valuable

 Spelling mistake: Partyko  Party

 Student: Submitted to Grand Canyon University

future, in an accurate and fashionable way. As a servant leader, the terminal values are the parameters that I will use to gauge whether or not I have achieved my objectives or attained my

desired goals.

In conclusion, it is evident that there are notable differences between terminal and

instrumental values in that while that terminal values are the highest values in a person’s value

system, the instrumental values are the ones that are often used. Worth noting however is that


both terminal and instrumental values affect people’s personal as well as professional lives

alike. It is only the priorities of values that differ among different groups of people in the




Andrews, C., Gardiner, K., Jain, T. K., Olomi, Y., & North, A. C. (2020). Culture, personal

values, personality, uses of music, and musical taste. Psychology of Aesthetics,

Creativity, and the Arts.

Partyko, N., Kryvopyshyna, O., Pomytkina, L., & Pomytkin, E. (2021). Peculiarities of

 accurate: accurate  right

 Possible wordiness: whether or not  whether

 Web Content:…

 Passive voice: it is evident that

hierarchy of leaders’ personal values. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 284, p. 09007). EDP Sciences.

Vilar, R. (2020). Basic Values Survey (BVS)-A 20-nation validation study.

Vitale, C. (2018). An extension of Rokeach’s instrumental values to characteristics of

CEO’s. e-Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business, 9(3), 17-23.

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