Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Why do social media guidelines emphasize ethical behavior and ethical communication?

Critical Thinking • After reading this

case study, can you put into perspective the suggestion “have fun and be yourself”? What exactly does this invitation mean?

• Why does Nordstrom allow only certain employees to connect online with customers and other members of the public?

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• Why do social media guidelines emphasize ethical behavior and ethical communication?

Communicating in the Digital World What kind of workplace will you enter when you graduate, and which skills will you need to be successful in it? Expect a fast-paced, competitive, and highly connected digital environment. Communication technology provides unmatched mobility and connects individuals anytime and anywhere in the world. Today’s communicators interact using multiple electronic devices and access information stored in remote locations, in the cloud.

This mobility and instant access explain why increasing numbers of workers must be avail- able practically around the clock and respond quickly. Nordstrom and other technology-savvy businesses have recognized the power of social media networks and seek to engage their customers and other stakeholders where they meet online. Communication no longer flows one way; rather, electronic media have empowered the public to participate and be heard.

In this increasingly complex, networked, and mobile environment, communication skills matter more than ever.6 Such skills are particularly significant when competition is keen. Job candidates with exceptional communication skills immediately stand out. In this chapter you will learn about communication skills in the digital era and about the contemporary world of work. Later you will study tools to help you negotiate ethical minefields and do the right thing. Each section covers the latest information about communicating in business while also providing tips to help you function effectively and ethically in today’s fast-paced, informa- tion-driven workplace.

LEARNING OUTCOME 1 Explain how communication skills fuel career success, and understand why writing skills are vital in a digital, mobile, and social-media- driven workplace.

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Opening scenarios in each chapter illustrate social media and technology use, teamwork, meetings, persuasion, and more by companies that you know and interact with, such as Starbucks, Lyft, Walmart, Taco Bell, Sony, Royal Caribbean, olloclip, Pew Research, and JetBlue.


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Brief Contents Unit 1 Communication Foundations 1

1 Business Communication in the Digital Age 2 2 Professionalism: Team, Meeting, Listening, Nonverbal, and Etiquette Skills 42 3 Intercultural Communication 84

Unit 2 The Writing Process in the Digital Era 125 4 Planning Business Messages 126 5 Organizing and Drafting Business Messages 158 6 Revising Business Messages 186

Unit 3 Workplace Communication 213

Unit 4 Reports, Proposals, and Presentations 387

Unit 5 Employment Communication 563


End Matter

Brief Contents ix

7 Short Workplace Messages and Digital Media 214 8 Positive Messages 252 9 Negative Messages 294 10 Persuasive and Sales Messages 338

11 Reporting in the Digital Age Workplace 388 12 Informal Business Reports 436 13 Proposals, Business Plans, and Formal Business Reports 482 14 Business Presentations 520

15 The Job Search, Résumés, and Cover Letters in the Digital Age 564 16 Interviewing and Following Up 612

Key to Grammar and Mechanics Key-1 Etiquette IQ Responses R-1 Glossary (Available online only at Index I-1

A Document Format Guide A-1 B Documentation Formats B-1 C Correction Symbols and Proofreading Marks C-1 D Grammar and Mechanics Guide D-1

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Contents xi


1 CommunicationFoundations Zooming In: Nordstrom: A Fabulous Shopping

Experience Goes Social 3 Communicating in the Digital World 3 The Digital Revolution and You: Tools for Success in the

21st-Century Workplace 6 How Your Education Drives Your Income 10 Trends and Challenges in the Information

Age Workplace 10 Information Flow and Media Choices in Today’s

Workplace 19 Ethics in the Workplace Needed More Than Ever 26 Zooming In: Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at

Nordstrom 31

Summary of Learning Outcomes 32 Critical Thinking 33 Activities 33 Test Your Etiquette IQ 37 Chat About It 38 Grammar and Mechanics 38 References 39

Chapter 1 Business Communication in the Digital Age 2

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Zooming In: Lyft Epitomizes the Sharing Economy and Teamwork 43 Adding Value to Professional Teams 43 Checklist: Developing Team Effectiveness 50 Planning and Participating in Face-to-Face and

Virtual Meetings 51 Checklist: Planning and Participating in Productive

Meetings 58 Listening in the Workplace 59 Checklist: Improving Listening 64 Communicating Nonverbally 64 Checklist: Building Strong Nonverbal Communication Skills in the Workplace 68 Developing Professionalism and Business Etiquette Skills

at the Office and Online 69 Zooming In: Your Turn: Applying Your Skills at Lyft 72

Summary of Learning Outcomes 72 Critical Thinking 74 Activities 74 Test Your Etiquette IQ 79

Chapter 2 Professionalism: Team, Meeting, Listening, Nonverbal, and Etiquette Skills 42

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xii …

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