Why would Courts carve out these exceptions for Minors? What is different about these types of Contracts compared to others?

DB 4

Minors (those under the age of 18, in most states) lack the capacity to make a contract. So, a Minor who signs a contract can either honor the deal or void the contract. There are a few exceptions, however. For example, in most states, a Minor cannot void a contract for necessities like food, clothing, and lodging.

Why would Courts carve out these exceptions for Minors? What is different about these types of Contracts compared to others?

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DB 5

In a breach of contract case, the court can consider ordering specific performance as long as the innocent party asks for that remedy. This equitable remedy orders the breaching party to comply with the terms of the contract. This means that the breaching party will be required to do whatever the party originally promised to do.

 Another equitable remedy is injunction, which is a remedy that prohibits a party from a particular act. Note that specific performance and injunction remedies are similar, but what are the key differences?

DB 6

What is the purpose of the requirement under the UCC that that a good must be “moveable” in order to be controlled by the UCC? For example, what is the difference between selling trees which are growing, and selling growing crops, if any?  Should there be a difference in the law?

DB 7

What are the different types of authority an agent might have, and why is it important to identify the type of an agent’s authority?

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