Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

With reference to Bt crops, and/or any other agricultural examples you have studied, complete the table below to assess the impact of biotechnology on the three different levels of biodiversity

(c) With reference to Bt crops, and/or any other agricultural examples you have studied, complete the table below to assess the impact of biotechnology on the three different levels of biodiversity. (6 marks)

Genetic diversity:

Species diversity:

Ecosystem diversity:

Question 4 (5 marks)

Haemophilia sufferers lack a protein in the blood which plays a role in blood clotting. For this reason they are at risk of bleeding uncontrollably and potentially dying from minor injuries.

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The gene coding for the protein is carried on the X chromosome and has a recessive allele which codes for non-production of the protein.

(a)     Explain why haemophilia is much less common in women than it is in men. (2 marks)

(b)       A couple have a daughter who has haemophilia. They then have a son who does not have the condition.

Explain fully how this is possible. Include a pedigree diagram in your answer. (3 marks)

(c)        The following factors are known to increase the likelihood of developing bowel cancer:

–          Age – bowel cancer is much more common in people over 50.

–          Genetic predisposition – bowel cancer tends to run in families.

–          Red meat consumption – high consumption of red meat has been linked to bowel cancer.

It has been suggested that high alcohol consumption is also a factor which makes people more likely to develop bowel cancer.

Design an epidemiological study which would test this suggestion. (5 marks)

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