Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

Write multi-paragraph proposal essay on a topic regarding social resistance

Assignment: Write multi-paragraph proposal essay on a topic regarding social resistance. Your proposal should either provide clear reasons why your proposal should be adopted or explain how your proposal is going to work. Your previous essay, a causal analysis, is designed to funnel into this assignment, so if you have considered and analyzed your causal analysis topic, it may save you time to use the same topic, or a related topic, for this essay. Please relate your issue to the theme of our course, Social Resistance. Previous successful proposals have included such topics as: health care for undocumented children in rural Texas, school policies re: \”taking a knee\” at sports events, and cultural/language training for military stationed in foreign countries. Your introduction should identify that this is a genuine problem that needs solving, tying evidence to analysis (PEA – point, evidence, analysis.). You should also include a counterargument in your essay.

Remember, this does not have to be a proposal that solves all issues related to a problem; rather, you are to look very carefully and deeply into an issue, and suggest ways to improve or alleviate the problem.

Constraints: The essay should not be less than 5 pages and no more than 10 pages, word processed. On the sixth page, you will include the works cited or bibliography page.

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