Written grant proposal comprised of Assignments from Modules 2 and 3

Final Project Guidelines

The Final Project for this course is a written grant proposal comprised of Assignments from Modules 2 and 3. The completed Final Project—the Grant Proposal Submission, is due by the end of Module 6.

The Grant Proposal Submission

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The Grant Proposal Submission consists of three parts:

Part 1: Need Statement, Goals, and Objectives
Part 2: Methodology and Evaluation Plans
Part 3: Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan

The Final Project consists of the following components:

o Title Page
o Part 1: Need Statement, Goals, and Objectives
o Part 2: Methodology and Evaluation Plans
o Part 3: Budget, Budget Narrative, Sustainability Plan
o Reference Page

Part 1: Need Statement, Goals, and Objectives (3–4 pages excluding APA references)

• Need Statement
o Establishes the specific problem the proposal will address
o Substantiates the need for addressing this problem by presenting proof of need
o If proof of need requires information that would still need to be accomplished, such as a survey or focus group, the need statement provides a full explanation how this proof would be gathered and what it would address
o Reflects current literature
o Reflects funder interests
o Reflects best practices for grant writing
• Goals
o Align to the need statement
o Clarify what will be accomplished at the completion of the project or at a specific point

• Objectives
o Align to the project goals
o Are specific
o Are measureable

Part 2: Methodology and Evaluation Plans (3–4 pages excluding APA references)
The Methodology clarifies how objectives will be achieved and what activities will lead to that achievement. The Evaluation Plan provides a specific plan for determining how results will be appraised.

• The Methodology
o Program description
o Research design
o Human subjects (sample)
o Study validity and reliability
o Assumptions and limitations
o Time line
o Analysis (and/or see Evaluation below)
o Non-personnel resources
o Facilities, supplies, technology, etc.
o Any non-personnel resources that will appear in the proposal budget should be described
o Personnel resources
o Who will be assigned or hired?
o Management plan (Work plan)
o Who will be responsible for which activities
o What is the timeline associated with activities (first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, fourth quarter, ongoing)?
o How will the project be managed?

• The Evaluation Plan
o Description of the specific criteria that will measure the success of the project
o Explanation of data that will be collected
o Verify if your grant application will require an institutional review board (IRB) approval.
o Explanation of the data collection plans at the beginning, mid-program, and final evaluation
o Evaluation instruments that will be used and an explanation of why these instruments were selected
o Plans for writing the periodic reports to keep the funder updated

Part 3: Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan (3–5 pages)
The project Budget delineates all expected costs associated with a project. The Budget Narrative expands upon the line items, offering further explanation of costs and needs as appropriate. A Sustainability Plan explains to funders how you will continue a project after funding has been exhausted.
Part I: Budget
• Use the budget template provided in the Learning Resources.
o Fill in the budget template for your project

Note: Rationale for costs will be provided in the budget narrative.

Note 2: Budget line items should consider the non-personnel and personnel resources listed in the methodology section.

Part II: Budget Narrative and Sustainability Plan
• The Budget Narrative expands on the line items of the budget, providing a reviewer detail and justification for how you arrived at the projected dollar amounts. For example: If hiring a consultant for $2,000 is a line item, the narrative might explain that this is based on 40 hours @ $50/hour.
• The Sustainability Plan explains how your agency plans to continue operating this program once the funding has run out.
• It also indicates where future funding and other resources might be obtained.

Note: All relevant cost issues from the budget are addressed in the sustainability plan.

References Page (1–2 pages)

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Gitlin, L.N., Kolanowski, A., & Lyons, K.J. (2021). Successful grant writing: Strategies for health and human service professionals (5th ed). Springer Publishing Company.

Chapter 19, “Learning About Your Institution” (pp. 224–288)
Chapter 20, “Electronic Considerations” (pp. 288–293)
Chapter 21, “Understanding the Review Process” (pp. 298–310)
Chapter 22, “Responding to the Proposal Review” (pp. 312–321)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (n.d.). Grant review process. Retrieved June 28, 2017, from

Document: Final Project Guidelines (Word document)

Document: Grant Application Abstract Template (PDF document)

Document: Annotated Assignment Template Part 2 (Word document)

Document: Annotated Assignment Template Part 3 (Word document)

Required Media
G Vision Consulting. (2014, March 3). Day 15 grant writing tutorial – What is sustainability? [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

G Vision Consulting. (2014, May 7). Day 80 of 90 day grant writing tutorial – Cover letters [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 5 minutes.

Optional Resources
G Vision Consulting. (2014, March 1). Day 13 grant writing tutorial – Final tips before submitting grant [Video file]. Retrieved from

G Vision Consulting. (2014, March 4). Day 16 grant writing tutorial – An inside look at the grant review process! [Video file]. Retrieved from

G Vision Consulting. (2014, March 10). Day 22 grant writing tutorial – 10 reasons proposals don’t get funded (a) [Video file]. Retrieved from

G Vision Consulting. (2014, March 11). Day 23 – 10 reasons proposals don’t get funded (b) [Video file]. Retrieved from


Assignment 1: Final Project: Writing the Grant Part 3: Budget, Budget Justification/Narrative, & Sustainability Plan
Constructing a budget requires time and attention to detail. This section of the grant proposal should include the narrative or justification and the financial details associated with funding the project. While the tabulated costs address the financial requirements associated with the budget, the narrative or justification should explain anything that is not apparent in the itemized budget. Be careful not to get redundant with the budget narrative. It is best to review examples to understand the required balance. Finally, as you consider developing your budget, make sure that you have fully examined the requirements of the RFP. Determine the timeline of the grant as well as your activity timeline and management plan to ensure you have covered all the nuances of project work that has associated costs. Ask yourself: Does this budget reflect all activities? Are all the project costs as well as the in-kind donations and volunteer resources documented? Is this budget realistic?

For this Assignment:

Review the Final Project Guidelines provided in this module’s Learning Resources.
Carefully review the Learning Resources focused on project budgets. You also may find additional online information from reputable grant-related organizations.
With consideration to feedback in Discussion 1 that you received from colleagues and your Instructor, and to your continued evaluation of the literature and funder guidelines, finalize your project Budget, Budget Narrative, and Sustainability Plan.
For your Assignment:

Part I: Budget Template

Use the budget template provided in the Learning Resources.
Fill in the budget template for your project.
Note: Rationale for costs will be provided in the budget narrative.

Note 2: Budget line items should consider the non-personnel and personnel resources listed in the methodology section.

Part II: Budget Narrative and Sustainability Plan

The Budget Narrative expands on the line items of the budget, providing a reviewer detail and justification for how you arrived at the projected dollar amounts. For example: If hiring a consultant for $2,000 is a line item, the narrative might explain that this is based on 40 hours @ $50/hour.
The Sustainability Plan explains how your agency plans to continue operating this program once the funding has run out.
It also indicates where future funding and other resources might be obtained.
Note: All relevant cost issues from the budget are addressed in the sustainability plan.

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