Online Degrees Essay Writing Services

You are the second in command at a city law enforcement agency

You are the second in command at a city law enforcement agency. Your agency is currently in the promotion cycle with several candidates interested in a Lieutenant’s position that has become available. The agency only has positions at this level come open about once every year. There are two candidates for the position that standout above the rest from the perspective of their service and performance records.

Both you and the head of the agency must approve all final promotion decisions. A couple of days before the final decision must be made regarding the promotion you receive a call from the Mayor’s assistance. The assistant tells you that the Mayor would consider it a huge favor if you selected a specific candidate for the Lieutenant’s position, however this individual is not one of the top two candidates being considered.

You know that the head of your agency hates to be involved in political matters and typically defers to you to take care of the matters when they arise. Also, the agency head is looking to you for a recommendation regarding which candidate should be promoted. Additionally, you know that the agency’s next annual budget is up for consideration very soon. Having the Mayor’s support would greatly increase the chances for some much needed budget increases. Without the Mayor’s support you fear that the agency’s budget may face some severe cutbacks.

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In your initial response, begin by discussing the options available to you in this scenario. As part of your options discussion, highlight how they impact not only the position candidates, but also the agency as a whole. Conclude your initial response by identifying the option you would select and briefly explain why you selected that option.

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